The Diaconate in a Presbyterian Church is the caring body of the church that offers help and service to people in need. Deacons are elected by the congregation and meet every other month to administer the plans of the ministry teams listed below.

Prayer Committee

The Prayer Committee covers the Diaconate in prayer daily.

Visitation of Those with Limited Access

Deacons visit those who are sick, home-bound, bereaved, shut-in or hospitalized. They also visit residents in nursing homes and assisted living centers. These visits take place every Tuesday from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Follow-Up with Recent Visitors and Reach-Out to the Unchurched

This ministry team communicates with persons and families about CPC, updates and maintains a visitor list, uses creative ways to invite and include new people (seminars, classes, groups), and offers “kindness in progress” activities to minister to people’s needs (free car wash, summer survival buckets, etc.).

Help People with Special Needs

This ministry team helps people with special needs that require attention and then informs the pastoral staff of such needs.

Membership Care Information

This ministry team furnishes information weekly for the Covenanter and Web site.

Assimilation Team

This ministry team helps to assimilate new members into the life of the church, nurtures friendships and relationships and organizes welcome breakfasts and luncheons, orientation sessions and fellowship activities.

Greeting Card Ministry

This ministry team sends cards to those who are ill, hospitalized, in need, grieving the loss of a loved one or need encouragement.

Worship Ushering

This ministry team Is responsible for ushering at the 11 am service and all special services.