Labor Day Observations
On this Labor Day weekend it seems appropriate to think for a minute about the word “labor”. You say that word to any mother and we all certainly have a clear understanding of what that means! But the reason we observe this day in our country is to celebrate the contributions of all the people -big and small- who have “labored” in the pursuit of making their lives and our country better and brighter.
In I Corinthians 15:58, Paul said:
“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm! Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”
Paul was saying to them, and to us, remember that Christ has already won the battle on this earth! Christ is in control of all the ultimate outcomes that we face. We are to stay committed to our faith in Jesus Christ and work hard on His behalf while we are here. But we aren’t in control of the outcome.
It’s easy to be discouraged when immediate results aren’t visible. But we should never let that keep us from working hard for the Lord. All of us have different gifts, but whatever your’s is, use it with your whole heart! If you can teach, teach; if you can sing, sing; if you can be an encouragement, encourage! We can all give and we can all pray. When we all do what we have been called to do, Christ’s church benefits from those gifts.
We are all right here, right now for a reason. It’s exciting to watch and see what God can do when we are willing to be part of His plan!
-Cheryl Coker
Interim Children’s Director