Last Sunday my prelude for National Back to Church Sunday was the very familiar “Canon in D major” by the German composer Johann Pachelbel. Although not as well known as some composers, Pachelbel is still regarded as a fine composer. He lived in the latter part of the Renaissance period of music history (1500-1600) into the early part of the Baroque period (1600-1750) approximately one hundred years before the two giants of the Baroque period, Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frederic Handel.
Several people commented to me after the service that they had heard this prelude on different occasions, but did not remember exactly when they had heard it. I told them and I want to share briefly with you when you most likely heard it. The “Canon in D major” is used quite extensively at weddings. Nationwide it is very commonly played for the procession of the bridal party which includes the bridal attendants and the groomsmen, and that is when I oftentimes play it for weddings here at Covenant. However, it can be used as the actual procession when the bride makes her entrance instead of the more traditionally used “Bridal Chorus” (oftentimes simply referred to as “Here Comes the Bride”) from the opera “Lohengrin” by another German composer, Richard Wagner. The bottom line as to what I play depends on the wishes of the bride, her family, and perhaps the groom. I always have a session with the bride prior to the wedding and go over the options that are available to her. It is interesting to note that a few brides know EXACTLY what they want and where in the ceremony they want it, and the complete order of their wedding ceremony. That is where the wedding director and I and perhaps the officiating minister try to be of help – to make their wedding an event that will be meaningful and something that they will remember and cherish for the rest of their lives.
We are now getting into what I consider one of the most beautiful seasons of the year—fall, with leaves beginning to change colors and of
course plenty of football which is my favorite sport. And those of you who know me at all will also know that I will be cheering as always
for my two favorite teams, (both with red and black colors) the Trojans from Lee County High and the Bulldogs from UGA. And although
we all are involved with many activities, the most important thing is to ALWAYS put a priority on being in your places every Sunday for
Sunday School and worship.
Have a wonderful week ahead, and may God Bless!
Love, Richard